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Helping You Make a Claim for Monetary Compensation

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Ensure your claim is handled with expertise & professionalism

Find a law firm that specialises in the field of law in which your claim falls and ensure a successful outcome.

These top South African attorney firms will leverage their knowledge and experience to your benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions

The complexities of Road Accident Fund claims: Why you need specialised legal assistance

The Road Accident Fund (RAF) was established to provide compensation to victims of road accidents.

They’re a state-backed insurance fund that provides cover for medical expenses, loss of income, and other damages resulting from road accidents.

However, navigating the legal process of making a claim can be complex and challenging, especially if you’re not familiar with the legal system. This is where specialised legal assistance comes into play.

RAF claims: Why compliance with legal procedures is crucial

Claiming from the RAF can be a complicated and lengthy process. As a claimant, you must provide evidence of their injuries and damages, as well as prove that the accident was not your fault.

You must also comply with strict legal procedures and deadlines to ensure that your claim is not rejected. This can be overwhelming, particularly if you’re already dealing with the physical and emotional aftermath of an accident.

Maximising your compensation: how specialist legal assistance makes a difference

Specialised legal assistance can make a significant difference in the success of a Road Accident Fund claim. A skilled and experienced lawyer can guide a claimant through the legal process, ensure that all necessary documentation is completed correctly, and represent you in negotiations with the RAF.

They can also provide invaluable advice on the amount of compensation you should seek, and how to pursue a claim that has been rejected or underpaid.

From minor to catastrophic injuries: these specialists will handle your case with care

Our selection of specialist attorneys who have extensive experience in handling these claims are ready to help. These specialist attorneys are committed to providing the highest level of legal assistance and have a proven track record of success in securing fair compensation for their clients.

Whether you’re dealing with minor injuries or have suffered a catastrophic injury that has left you permanently disabled, our road accident fund claim specialists can help. They’ll work tirelessly to ensure that your claim is handled professionally, efficiently, and effectively so that you can focus on your recovery and rebuilding your life.

List of attorneys offering assistance with RAF Claims

  1. DSC Attorneys RAF Claim

    DSC Attorneys

    • Extensive experience
    • Full commitment to justice
    • Free consultation
  2. Michael de Broglio Attorneys RAF Claim

    Michael de Brog...

    • Exceptional, cost effective service
    • Experts in medico-law field
    • Highest possible claim
  3. Greyvensteins Attorneys RAF Claim

    Greyvensteins A...

    • Multi-award winning company
    • Serving all sectors
    • 'No win, no fee' claims
  4. RoadCover RAF Claim


    • Providing legal representation
    • Documentation supplied
    • Receive full compensation

Fighting back against medical negligence: how specialised attorneys can help

Medical negligence refers to instances where healthcare professionals fail to provide an acceptable standard of care, resulting in harm to the patient. This branch of law aims to protect you from injuries or damages resulting from medical malpractice.

Medical negligence claims are complex and require the assistance of specialist attorneys who have experience in handling such cases.

What are some examples of medical malpractice?

A claim typically arises when a patient or their family believes that a healthcare professional has failed to provide an acceptable level of care, resulting in harm or injury. Examples of medical negligence claims include misdiagnosis, incorrect medication, surgical errors, and birth injuries. These claims can result in significant physical, emotional, and financial damage to the patient and their loved ones.

Why teaming up with a specialist attorney is crucial

It’s essential to have a specialist attorney assist with your claim to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

These attorneys have an in-depth understanding of the legal system and medical terminology, making it easier for them to navigate the complex legal principles and procedures involved in these claims.

Ensure claim success: Medical malpractice attorneys in South Africa

Our legal services directory offers a collection of attorneys who specialise in medical negligence claims. These attorneys have a wealth of experience in handling such cases, and they can help improve the chances of a successful claim.

They’ll guide you through the entire legal process, ensuring that all necessary documentation is completed correctly, and represent you in negotiations with the healthcare provider's legal team.

How much do medical negligence lawyers charge?

One of the significant benefits of working with these specialist attorneys is that they work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you only pay the attorney's fees if the claim is successful. This can provide peace of mind, knowing that you’re not at risk of incurring significant legal fees if the claim is unsuccessful.

List of attorneys offering assistance with Medical Negligence Claims

  1. Campbell Attorneys Medical Negligence Claim

    Campbell Attorn...

    • High service standard
    • Expert in medical negligence
    • Mediate all communication
  2. Joubert Galpin Searle Medical Negligence Claim

    Joubert Galpin ...

    • Specialises in medico-law
    • Ethical legal practice
    • Insurance claims
  3. Gert Nel Attorneys Medical Negligence Claim

    Gert Nel Attorn...

    • Personal injury claims
    • Analysing all evidence
    • Ensuring compensation
  4. Andre Dreyer Attorneys Medical Negligence Claim

    Andre Dreyer At...

    • High-standard representation
    • Personalised, individual attention
    • Comfortable claiming process

Injured and Overwhelmed? Let an experienced professional handle your personal injury claim

Personal injury claims fall under the umbrella of civil law and are a legal recourse available to you if you’ve suffered physical or psychological harm due to negligence or wrongdoing of another party.

Fighting for justice: The most common personal injury claims

A personal injury can result from a variety of incidents, such as car accidents, medical malpractice, slip and falls, and workplace accidents. Some of the most common personal injury claims include those arising from motor vehicle accidents, premises liability, and product liability.

Don't face the claims process alone: the importance of a personal injury attorney

The claims process for a personal injury claim can be lengthy and complex, requiring the claimant to prove the negligence or fault of the responsible party.

The process typically involves gathering evidence, filing legal documents, and negotiating with insurance companies to secure compensation for damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

This is where the expertise of a personal injury lawyer comes into play. They can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the claims process, from the initial filing of the claim to the negotiation of a fair settlement.

They can help to build a strong case by gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and working with medical professionals to accurately assess the extent of your injuries.

A specialist attorney can also ensure that all necessary legal procedures and deadlines are met and can advocate on behalf of the claimant in negotiations with insurance companies or in court.

This will allow you to focus on your recovery and rebuilding your life while leaving the legal complexities and challenges of the claims process to a trusted professional.

List of attorneys offering assistance with Personal Injury Claims

  1. Adendorff Attorneys Personal Injury Claim

    Adendorff Attor...

    • Specialised client service
    • Highest possible compensation
    • 'No win, no fee'
  2. BLC Attorneys Personal Injury Claim

    BLC Attorneys

    • Extensive expertise
    • More than 70 professionals
    • Complete assistance
  3. Campbell Attorneys Personal Injury Claim

    Campbell Attorn...

    • Reliable legal solutions
    • Advanced strategies
    • Contingency fee litigation
  4. Joseph’s Incorporated Attorneys Personal Injury Claim

    Joseph’s Incorp...

    • Leaders in personal injury law
    • Team of specialists
    • Free consultation

From criminal case to civil compensation: navigating assault claims in South Africa

Assault is a serious crime that can result in criminal charges, but it can also lead to a civil lawsuit for compensation for the victim's injuries.

In South African law, assault can consist of any intentional and unlawful act that results in another person's physical or emotional harm, including threatening gestures, words, or physical contact.

Assault victims' rights: Pursuing compensation beyond criminal charges

If you’re the victim of assault, you have the option to pursue a criminal case against the perpetrator, which can result in imprisonment, fines, or community service.

However, you may also have the right to pursue a civil claim for compensation for any injuries or damages suffered as a result of the assault.

Filing an assault claim: what you need to know

The process of making an assault claim typically involves gathering evidence of the assault, including witness statements, medical records, and police reports.

You must then file a claim with the court within the prescribed time frame, usually within three years of the assault. The court will then review the evidence presented and determine if you’re entitled to compensation for your injuries and damages.

Fighting back: how a specialist lawyer can empower you to stand up against your assailant

Having a specialist lawyer handle an assault claim can be extremely beneficial. They can provide guidance and support throughout the legal process, including the preparation of the necessary legal documents, gathering of evidence, and representation in court.

They can also negotiate with the perpetrator's insurance company to ensure that the victim receives a fair settlement for their injuries and damages.

A specialist lawyer can also help to ensure that the claimant meets all legal requirements and deadlines for making a claim. Failure to do so may result in the claim being rejected, leaving the victim without any compensation for their injuries.

List of attorneys offering assistance with Assault Claims

  1. Van Heerdens Attorneys Assault Claim

    Van Heerdens At...

    • Exceeding high standards
    • Personal attention
    • Short resolution time
  2. Munro Flowers & Vermaak Assault Claim

    Munro Flowers &...

    • 20 Years' experience
    • Excellent reputation
    • Lecturers in the legal field
  3. Crafford Attorneys Assault Claim

    Crafford Attorn...

    • Best legal solutions
    • Highest chances of success
    • Flexible, innovative methods
  4. DSC Attorneys Assault Claim

    DSC Attorneys

    • Reliable reputation
    • Full legal assistance
    • Best possible outcome

When tragedy strikes: how to seek compensation for your loss of support

A loss of support claim is a type of claim made by a dependent or family member of someone who has died as a result of the wrongful or negligent actions of another party.

This type of claim seeks to recover damages for the financial loss and emotional suffering experienced by the dependent or family member due to the loss of the deceased's income and support.

From workplace accidents to medical malpractice: how loss of support claim can arise

Loss of support claims can arise in a variety of situations, including wrongful death cases, medical malpractice, car accidents, and workplace accidents.

For example, if the main breadwinner in a family is killed in a motor vehicle accident caused by another driver's negligence, surviving family or a next of kin may have a loss of support claim against the driver.

Time is of the essence: filing a loss of support claim with the Master of the High Court

In South Africa, loss of support claims are typically lodged with the Master of the High Court, who has jurisdiction over the administration of deceased estates.

The claim must be lodged within six months of the date of death, although in certain circumstances, an extension may be granted.

Securing justice for your loved ones: why choosing the right lawyer matters

A specialist lawyer with experience in loss of support claims can provide invaluable assistance throughout the legal process.

They can help to assess the value of your claim, gather evidence, and prepare and file the necessary legal documents. They can also represent you in negotiations with the responsible party's insurance company and in court.

Our collection of attorneys who specialise in loss of support claims is dedicated to providing the highest level of legal assistance. They have a proven track record of success in securing maximum compensation for their clients and can help to ensure that your rights are protected throughout the claims process.

List of attorneys offering assistance with Loss of Support Claims

  1. AIG Loss of Support Claim


    • Licensed insurance provider
    • More than 70 million clients
    • Short processing time
  2. Ronald Bobroff & Partners Loss of Support Claim

    Ronald Bobroff ...

    • Leaders in medico-law
    • Diverse team of specialists
    • History of excellence
  3. Van Heerdens Attorneys Loss of Support Claim

    Van Heerdens At...

    • Dedicated experts
    • High quality legal firm
    • Comprehensive assistance
  4. Malcolm Lyons & Brivik Attorneys Loss of Support Claim

    Malcolm Lyons &...

    • Established in 1965
    • Constantly innovating
    • Efficient and effective